Member Resources

Meetings     Literature     MP3 Recordings       Buddy List       Women’s Resources        Quarterly Local News Email       Other Languages     Links


Buddy List

This list contains the contact details of over hundred of SA men, from more than 40 countries, who are willing to share experience, strength and hope with each other. It includes those who are available to sponsor other members.

Women’s Resources

A range of fellowship services are available to SA women members locally and internationally: women only phone, VOIP meetings, contact lists, member stories and conference recordings. The women’s resources page is password protected, for women only!. Password is available from women members or from webmaster at  [email protected]

Quarterly Local News Email

Stay up to date with local SA news and events and get a PDF copy of Essay, the SA International Newsletter.   Join the distribution list

SA  literature

Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne groups organise bulk purchase of SA literature from the USA.

AA Literature (approved also as SA Literature)

SA MP3 Recordings – Samples

Many SA Conferences  throughout the world record some of their meetings, to “carry the  message” to other members. Please respect the anonymity of speakers.

SA MP3 Recordings – Library

This site has hundreds of SA recordings, from a variety of SA events. International Conferences are a good place to start. Many are the standard 12 Step approach of members sharing their recovery stories. Others are on specific topics like:

  • Women
  • Singles
  • Same-sex lust recovery
  • Newcomers
  • Fetishes
  • Steps
  • Sponsorship
  • Sober Dating
  • Intimacy and Abstinence
  • Carrying the message
  • Prisons outreach

International Conferences are a good place to start to give a range of topics and depth of recovery.


Other Languages

Phone  meetings in  Farsi, Spanish, Russian